Thursday, February 26, 2009


It was late at night and Sophie was watching a scary movie in her room. She was watching a man that came back to life as a ghost. Suddenly, a strong wind blew and she heard someone knocking on her window. When Sophie opened the icy cold window, she couldn't see anything so she continued watching. That incident happened thrice and with some weird sound calling her name. Sophie was starting to be afraid but she was still trying to investigate who did that to her.

At that night, Sophie heard voices saying, "Sophie, Sophie, today was going to be your last day..." She was really afraid and all of a sudden her lamp in her room flew straight at her and crash her head. In th morning, Sophie was found dead with no head and arms torn to pieces.

"Ahhh..." Sophie screamed in terror as she threw her blanket and ran straight to her mom's arms. "What are you doing?" her mom asked. Sophie wanted to answer but she saw her mom's face was like a zombie so she ran to her father. Again, she saw that her father was like a dracula, ready to drink her blood. Sophie then turn to her big sister, but she saw a monster not her sister.

Sophie fell to the ground and waked up at a hospital. She was never allowed to go because of her halusination. It was all becuse of your halusination...

1 comment:

  1. dear, geva
    it's quite ok...
    thanks for your comment and also your very gracious compliment. please check your grammar in this one ok... i think i spot mistakes. check my blog sometime soon ok!? i inputted 2 new stories alredy. luv, angga
